Recovering from an addiction is difficult for a variety of reasons, one of which is the risk of a relapse. Although it is difficult to forecast a specific situation that may cause a relapse, it is feasible to learn about frequent relapse triggers and prepare a reaction plan so that if you do encounter one, your addiction recovery will not be jeopardized. 

Some triggers can be avoided, but others cannot, so it’s crucial to plan ahead of time and have a strategy in place for what you’ll do if you’re faced with an inevitable trigger. Here are some frequent relapse triggers that can jeopardize your recovery from addiction.


While you may be able to avoid certain celebrations, you will almost certainly be unable to avoid all of them, and some will undoubtedly feature alcohol or other temptations. If you are mistakenly offered something that could trigger a relapse, your spouse or friend at these events may be able to support you and help you refuse. You can get through a tempting scenario by relying on a close buddy.

At The End Of A Rough Day

Everyone has experienced long, trying days that leave them wondering, “Why do I bother?” If you have a substance abuse problem, you may find it challenging to answer this question. You may not be able to say why you bother trying right now, but the answers are there, frequently in the form of children, a spouse, or a project or cause that you care deeply about.

Mental illness that has not been diagnosed or treated

People with drug abuse disorders are more likely to have co-occurring mental illnesses. In fact, self-medication to deal with untreated depression, anxiety, or another mental disorder may lead to substance misuse. Fortunately, doctors may treat mental diseases in a variety of ways that do not entail the use of addictive medications, and mental illness alleviation can help you avoid a relapse. 

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction or mental health please reach out for help.

Greenbranch Recovery & Wellness: (833) 272-6246