Our mission is to assist individuals who have a severe and persistent substance use disorders. We help them to develop the skills and supports necessary to live, learn, or work in the community. Greenbranch Recovery offers outpatient services for addiction for adults.

  • How Does Alcohol Work? Alcohol Addiction and Recovery

    As someone struggling with alcohol use, you may be asking, "How does alcohol work?" You [...]

  • Wellness Rehab: Improving Recovery Success with Healthy Addictions

    Improving Mind, Body, and Spirit at a Wellness Rehab Center At Greenbranch Recovery, our wellness [...]

  • How to Help an Addict: Recognizing Signs & When to Act

    Living with addicts can be mentally, physically and emotionally challenging. While the person caught in [...]

  • Substance Use vs. Abuse: How to Spot the Warning Signs

    A substance use disorder (SUD) is a condition involving behavior and both psychological and physical [...]

  • Muscle Relaxants Developing Addictions

    Muscle Relaxants Developing Addictions.

  • Speaking out on Mental Health.

    https://twitter.com/i/status/1094771944686260225 What does mental health mean? Simply defined mental health is a person’s condition with [...]

  • Staying Sober During the Holiday Season

    With the holiday season quickly approaching, for many of us our first thoughts are holiday [...]